The future progress of remote monitoring and self-management for patient with psoriasis.

  • torsdag / 23 maj / 2019
  • 10:30-11:00

This session describes a novel m-health platform, its services and interfaces, and the strategic decisions taken in the development of the services. The novel services are embedded in a structured care methodology for psoriasis patients connected to the health care provider’s system in at Norrlands Universitetssjukhus, Västerbottens läns landsting. The m-health platform is fully integrated with all different services, e.g. apps, e-questionnaires, video platform used in the region and interconnected through the m-health platform to the health care provider’s system. In practice, the remote monitoring and self-management offers new ways of collaborating based on patient-centered-care. A structured practice that includes remote monitoring and continuous follow-up of the individual’s symptoms and treatment effects – at the individual level in real time – against set treatment goals based on national guidelines (formed by The National Board of Health Care and The Swedish Society for Dermatology and Venereology) to reach a better quality of care. The new shared approach supporting self-management marks the beginning of a change from calendar-controlled to demand-driven healthcare. The challenges are to develop useful and secure services for different groups related to the m-health platform. It involves continuous dialogue with people and organizations concerning how they should and could collaborate. This involves not just healthcare and patients but also patients’ families, life science industry, academy, pharmacy and IT industry. The need for m-health platform as a service provided “by one body" has disappeared in Västerbottens läns landsting; today it is a shared platform embedded in the innovative patient and healthcare infrastructure. The m-health platform is just a starting point for a novel and limitless remote monitoring and self-management including limitless patient-, healthcare-, life science industry-, pharmacy-, IT/APP industry actors and activities.

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- Talteknologi för vård och omsorg.